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A&T Bank maintained a high level of profitability and achieved its financial targets in 2012.
• As of year-end 2012, the Bank’s total assets stand at TL 2,748.3 million. Liquid assets, which includes cash and receivables
from the Central Bank, banks and money markets, dropped by 5.9% to TL 1,599.7 million; whereas cash loans expanded by
5.9% to reach TL 736.0 million. On the other hand, securities fell by 8.4% to TL 328.6 million.
• Whereas funds borrowed, which rank first among liabilities, increased by 170% to TL 1,256.9 million, deposits fell by 47% to
TL 1,029.7 million. In this period, shareholders’ equity rose by 16.6% to reach TL 412.7 million.
• A&T Bank continued to support contracting firms, as well as exporters and importers, in 2012. Despite shrinking foreign
trade between Turkey and the MENA region, total of letters of guarantee, letters of credit, and bank acceptances exceeded TL
1.5 billion in 2012, the same level as the previous year.
• The Bank posted net profit for the period of TL 58.7 million, up 22% from TL 48.1 million at year-end 2011; meanwhile, our
return on assets and return on equities increased to 2.46% and 16.58%, respectively, at end-2012, compared to 2.12% and
15.72%, respectively, a year earlier.
• The Bank maintained a high capital adequacy ratio throughout the year and the ratio was as 22.77% at-end 2012, above the
legal requirement.
Dear Shareholders,
As highlighted in the medium term business plan covering the years from 2013 till 2015, the Bank’s top priority objectives
include further expanding foreign trade operations particularly across the MENA region, focusing on new and alternative
overseas markets, increasing domestic banking operations, enhancing operational productivity through miscellaneous
projects, and finally, maximizing customer satisfaction by means of developing new products and distribution channels based
on an even more detailed analysis of customer needs.
The MENA region is gaining importance in world trade as well as in our country’s foreign trade volume. We believe that the
years to come will provide even greater opportunities for our Bank, which, since its founding, has successfully intermediated
trade between Turkey and the countries in the region.
We will continue to create value added for the Turkish economy and reinforce the economic relationship between Turkey and
the MENA region, as well as its relationships with other key markets in which Turkish entrepreneurs operate.
We have submitted the 2012 Annual Report, Balance Sheet, and Income Statements for your inspection and approval. On
behalf of A&T Bank’s Board of Directors, I would like to extend my thanks to our customers for their continued confidence
in us; our correspondent banks in Turkey and abroad for their strong and deep-rooted relationships with us; our General
Directorate for its effective management; all our employees for their contributions to the successful results; and to our
esteemed partners for their continuous support and their honoring of our General Assembly.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Osman Arslan
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