The A&T NET corporate intranet portal was deployed enabling central
access to all Bank applications.
In 2012, the Division completed work on upgrading the
T24 in the main banking system version from R08 to R10.
Furthermore, in line with the Central Bank’s EFT system
renovation work, the relevant application was employed
and integration with the banking application ensured. The
new Business Intelligence application was also integrated
into the main banking system with standard reports put into
use. The integration of the archival storage system with the
e-mail system was also completed, thus enabling real-time
archiving of all electronic correspondence.
The Anti-Money Laundering application was started in
cooperation with the Compliance Department, while the
Customer Credit Scoring application was deployed upon
completion of the related project carried out with the Credits
Division. The physical condition of data centers at the Bank’s
Istanbul and Ankara premises was improved. In addition,
automation studies conducted with the Risk Management
Department regarding Basel II compliance reached their final
The A&T NET corporate intranet portal was deployed
providing central access to all Bank applications. Within the
framework of the COBIT (Control Objectives for Information
and Related Technology) audit, the IT Department was
intensively audited by an external audits, company authorized
by the BRSA. At the end of these audits no evidence was
found of “Significant Control Deficiency”; this indicates that
the Bank’s IT implementations are approaching COBIT
Revision and end-to-end testing of the Disaster Recovery
Plan, an important component of business continuity, was
successfully completed. Application of the File Sharing
System was activated in order to store critical documents
used by more than one employee.
In 2013, the Division plans to activate an ITIL V3 compatible IT
Service Desk; also, it plans to upgrade the Livelink Document
Management System, which the Bank has been using since
2005, to its latest version and obtain new licenses to meet
the Bank’s existing requirements. Additionally, a Workflow
Management System, which will enable monitoring of the
Bank’s business processes in an electronic environment,
will be purchased and integrated with the banking system.
Meanwhile, activation of the Internet Banking application
features among the 2013 targets, and the Division also plans
to update the Bank’s e-mail and web security products that
have been used since 2010. In addition, an infrastructure
will be established to enable an encrypting system in the
transmission of identity verification parameters related to the
T24 Main Banking application.
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