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Administrative Services Department
In 2012, all procurement and implementation requirements
-planned within the framework of the Business Continuity
Management project- to avoid physical risks were met.
The Fire Notification System utilized at the Head Office
was replaced with the new, advanced-technology system
including audio and video alarm units. Installation of the IP
Telephone Switchboard System was completed at the Head
Office and in all branches.
Legal and Legislation Services Department
The Legal and Legislation Services Department contributed
to smooth and flawless operation throughout the year,
informing the branches and Head Office units concerned of
legal amendments related to banking activities, as well as
protecting the Bank against operational and legal risks.
Communications Department
In line with its efficient customer relations practices,
A&T Bank’s Communications Department shared changes
occurring within the Bank with stakeholders through the
corporate web site and press releases.
The Department participated in various fairs and events that
contribute to trade activities in North Africa and the Middle
East, the main specialty area of A&T Bank. And further
strengthening the corporate image through sponsorships,
the Department improved the Bank’s communication with its
target audience.
The Bank held client meetings in five cities to establish
stronger bonds with its customers and to improve
The rising importance of the MENA countries and the
expertise of the Bank in this region were emphasized in all
promotional activities and printed materials.
In addition, A&T Bank conducted campaigns to meet the
stationery and technical equipment needs of three village
schools in Anatolia.
The Department also continued to publish its internal
magazine, “From Us to Us”, which enables A&T Bank
employees to get to know each other better and to boost
their motivation and communication among each other.
Following the organizational changes introduced in
December 2012, the Communications Department continues
its operations under the Business Support Department.
Project Management Office
In light of the rapid transformation of today’s world, the
Project Management Office aims to use resources effectively
and carry out Bank projects in a coordinated manner in line
with long term targets of A&T Bank.
To this end, all processes are managed with utmost care and
attention so as to increase the project success rate.
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