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Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee
A graduate of Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences,
Department of International Relations, Mr. Bolat worked as a
Regional Manager in the Commercial Loans Department of Türkiye İş
Bankası A.Ş. between 2003 and 2007. Since that time, he has served
as Manager of the SME Loans Allocation Department at Türkiye İş
Bankası A.Ş. Mr. Bolat has been Board Member at A&T Bank since
April 27, 2010. He has 25 years of professional experience.
Member of the Board and the Audit Committee
A graduate of Tripoli University (Libya), Department of Statistics
in 1984, Mr. Shneba worked at Libyan Foreign Bank as Banking
Operations Department Manager between 2006 and 2009, Manager of
the Marketing & Foreign Relations Department from 2009 to 2011 and
Portfolio Department Manager from 2011 until 2012. Having served as
Board Member at Banco Arabe Espanol SA and Alubaf International
Tunis Bank, he has held the position of Board Member at the Libya-
Italy Chamber of Commerce since 2002. Mr. Shneba has worked as
Marketing Manager at Libyan Foreign Bank since January 1, 2013. He
was appointed as Board Member at A&T Bank on March 15, 2012. He
has 26 years of professional experience.
Member of the Board and the Audit Committee
A graduate of Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Mining Engineering, Mr. Baktır worked as Assistant
General Manager at Türkiye Halk Bankası A.Ş. from 2004 to 2010.
He has held the position of Assistant General Manager at T.C. Ziraat
Bankası A.Ş. since October 2011. Mr. Baktır has served as Member of
the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee at A&T Bank since
December 8, 2011. He has 22 years of professional experience.
Board Member
A graduate of Business Operation and Finance Department of Sheffield
Hallam University (UK), Mr. Enaami worked as Manager of the Portfolio
Investments Department at Libyan Foreign Bank between 2006 and
2007. Since that time, he has held the position of Manager responsible for
Direct Investments at the Libyan Investment Authority. Mr. Enaami has
served as Member of the Board of Directors at A&T Bank since March 15,
2012. He has 18 years of professional experience.
Board Member
A graduate of the European University of Lefke, Department of Business
Administration, Mr. Saraçoğlu subsequently worked at Türkiye İş
Bankası A.Ş. as Inspector from 1998 to 2007 and Assistant Manager
of the Human Resources Management Department between 2007
and 2011. Since that time, he has held the position of Unit Manager in
Banking Finance Sector of Affiliates Department at the same bank. He
is a Board Member of İş Finansal Kiralama A.Ş., İş Factoring Finansman
Hizmetleri A.Ş. and Camiş Yatırım Holding A.Ş. and a statory auditor for
Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. Mr. Saraçoğlu was appointed as
Board Member at A&T Bank on September 28, 2012. He has 15 years of
professional experience.
Board Member
A graduate of the High Institute in Sciences of Management & Finance
(Libya), Mr. Elrayas completed his master’s degree in Institutions
Management (Tunisia). Mr. Elrayas worked at Libyan Foreign Bank
as Assistant Manager of the Risk Department in 2008 and Deputy
Manager of the Letters of Credit Department in 2009. Between 2002
and 2006, he served as Deputy Manager at Tunisia Alubaf International
Bank. Mr. Elrayas has been Manager of the Letters of Credit
Department and Member of the Assets and Liabilities Committee at
Libyan Foreign Bank since 2009. He was appointed as Board Member
at A&T Bank on September 28, 2012. He has 23 years of professional
Secretary of the Board
A graduate of Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences,
Department of Business Administration, Mrs. Özsoy completed her
master’s degree in financial economy at Istanbul Bilgi University and
has the Advance Level License of Capital Market Activities. She began
her professional career as Assistant Auditor at the Turkish Court of
Accounts. Mrs. Özsoy later served as Banks Sworn Auditor at the
Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency from 2001 to 2009. At A&T
Bank, she has worked as Internal Systems Division Director since 2009
and Secretary of the Board since 2010. She has 12 years of professional
Changes of Position within the Year:
• In line with the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) Decision No.
77 dated March 1, 2012, the management of the SDIF on the 62.37%
of shareholder rights of Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş., controlled by Libyan
Foreign Bank, excluding dividend rights, was terminated following
the Bank’s Ordinary General Assembly for the 2011 reporting period
held on March 15, 2012. As a result, a new General Manager has
been appointed through a decision of Libyan Foreign Bank.
• On March 5, 2012, Osman Arslan, who was appointed as Board
Member to replace Atilla Çetiner, was elected as Chairman.
• On March 5, 2012, Sadek K.S. Abu Hallala was appointed as General
Manager to replace Osman Arslan.
• In line with the decision of the Bank’s Ordinary General Assembly
held on March 15, 2012 for the 2011 reporting period, all members
of the Board of Directors who represent the Savings Deposit
Insurance Fund have been relieved of duty. Accordingly, Deputy
Chairman Yusuf Dağcan, Board members Feyzi Çutur, İsmail Güler,
Oğuz Kayhan and Hikmet Aydın Simit were replaced by Mohamed
Najib Hmida El-Jamal, Abdulaziz Mohamed Ali Mansur, Abdulfatah
A. Enaami, Abdurauf İbrahim Shneba and Sadek K.S. Abu Hallala,
members who represent Libyan Foreign Bank.
• On June 28, 2012, Ben Issa A. Hudanah was assigned as Deputy
Chairman to replace M. Najib Hmida El-Jamal.
• On June 28, 2012, Esam Mustafa I. Elrayas was assigned as Board
Member to replace Abdulaziz Mohamed Ali Mansur.
• On June 28, 2012, Muzaffer Armağan Saraçoğlu was assigned as
Board Member to replace Zeynep Hansu Uçar.
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