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Studies into the establishment of “Corporate Performance” and “Target and
Competency based Individual Performance” systems continued in 2012
within the scope of the “Change is Our Life” initiative.
A&T Bank is aware that the most valuable asset of any institution
is its employees, and that success is directly related to investment
in human resources. With this approach, the Bank’s management
aims to ensure that working conditions as far as possible meet the
requirements of its employees.
The Department is responsible for creating a qualified human
resource pool composed of employees fit to represent the Bank
and adopt its vision and mission. Career planning, performance
management, employee motivation and talent management, as
well as personnel services and the assessment and determination
of compensation policies are also among the Department’s
The Human Resources Management Department works to
ensure employee satisfaction, the most significant factor in the
Bank’s success, by developing the knowledge, skill and talents
of employees and sustaining their motivation at the highest
level. Accordingly, the Department supports the personal and
professional development of its human resources by providing
equal opportunities to all in terms of their career planning. In 2012,
44.2% of employees participated in training programs.
Employees are rewarded for their successful results within the
framework of the Performance Management System. In 2013, the
Department plans to complete its project initiated in the last quarter
of 2012 to establish a more innovative system in this field.
In line with its targets, the Bank operates with dynamic,
experienced, well-educated and professional employees working
with a strong team spirit.
As of December 2012, the Bank has seven branches and 272
employees, the average age of whom is 37.5. Employees have 10
years of banking experience on average, and 64% of them have
bachelor’s degrees.
Targets for 2013
A&T Bank’s Human Resources Management Department
has prepared a road map to provide employees with
various innovative HR systems and implementations. The
primary target of the Department for 2013 is to complete
projects begun in 2012, and to launch new ones in line with
its road map. In this context, the following projects and
implementations are set to commence:
• Application of a Personal Performance Management System
• Launch of an Organizational Backup System to backup
key employees working in critical positions thus ensuring
business continuity
• Managing of the Bank’s human resource needs in line with
the results of the Norm Determination Study and Work Load
• Development of a compensation policy
• Establishment of an in-house coaching system
• Activation of a HR Software Program
• Development of a Management Trainee Program to meet
the requirements of General Directorate units and the
Inspection Council
• Setting up of various development programs -Manager
Development, Corporate MBA and Leadership Development
programs- for different positions at the Bank
• Launching of an e-learning system
• Commencement of studies into employer branding
• Building of a Suggestions System
• Establishment of a Social Club
Profile of Education
High School
and Lower
Two-year Degree
Post Graduate
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