Financial Management and
Strategic Planning Division
Incorporating four functions -Accounting, Reporting, Financial
Management and Control, and Planning and Budgeting- the
Financial Management and Strategic Planning Division
focused on improving operational efficiency and carried out
automation-related infrastructure work in 2012.
Efforts continued throughout the year to increase efficiency
in the recently centralized functions of “branch accounting”
and “branch financial control”. In 2012, the Department also
coordinated the preparatory work of a three-year business
In the upcoming period, the Financial Management and
Strategic Planning Division will primarily focus on improved
effectiveness, efficiency and automation in department
functions, especially in reporting and budgeting.
Central Operations Department
The Central Operations Department, established in January
2012, began to manage the foreign trade transactions of the
newly opened Güneşli Branch in İstanbul. The procedures and
job definitions required through the process of centralization
were prepared in coordination with the related units of the
The Gaziantep and Kozyatağı branches were centralized in
April and May, respectively, and the transactions of the Konya
and Kayseri branches transferred to Central Operations in
December. Following infrastructure enhancement work with
the IT Department, account investigations as well as lien and
injunction demands were collected under Central Operations.
As of year-end, account investigations, which resulted in a
heavy workload for the branches, began to be managed by
Central Operations.
The Treasury Operations Unit successfully performed its
duties in 2012 and contributed to the Bank with its repo,
reverse repo, securities and swap transactions, as well as
money market operations.
In 2013, A&T Bank Central Operations Department targets
to increase the efficiency of the central operations processes
of all branches. Upon completion of this mission, and in
line with the Bank’s strategy and targets, the Department’s
contribution to business processes is expected to increase
Compliance Department
The Compliance Department was established to manage
the Compliance Program for Anti-Money Laundering and
Counter-Terrorism Financing, and the relevant reputational,
legal and operational risks thereof. The Department reports
to the Audit Committee.
The Compliance Department is comprised of three units:
The Compliance Unit was established to follow sanctions
and to check data against the sanction lists of local and
international authorities, thus ensuring that the Bank
has not established any business relations with those
individuals and institutions that are sanctioned and/or
have appeared on these lists. The Unit also safeguards
the Bank against reputational, legal and operational risks,
thereby ensuring that the Bank’s operations comply with the
Banking Law, relevant legislation, regulations, standards
and announcements, as well as A&T Bank’s policies and
The Anti-Money Laundering Unit determines the Bank’s
guidelines for compliance with Anti-Money Laundering
and Counter-Terrorism Financing. The Unit identifies the
principles and basics of corporate measures for detecting
and preventing money laundering and terrorism financing,
and ensures the implementation of these measures. In also
developing and updating relevant policies and procedures,
the Unit is responsible for the training, coordinating and
reporting functions in this field.
The IT Compliance Unit was established to ensure full
compliance of IT operations with relevant legislation.
Monitoring IT policies, procedures, standards and
methodologies in coordination with the IT Department,
the Unit also prepares reports for the Bank’s executive
management and related authorities.
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