Following the contraction of the Turkish economy in
2009, amid deepening crisis and its impact on financial
leasing activities, recovery in the sector began in 2010 and
accelerated in 2011, which saw a total transaction volume
of US$ 4.9 billion. The financial leasing sector capped the
year 2012 with an increase of 9.6% at US$ 5.36 billion, a
transaction volume close to expectations. The total number
of contracts rose from 14,648 in 2011 to 17,787 in 2012 an
increase of 21%. At 2012-end, according to the distribution
of financial leasing transactions by asset type, construction
machinery had the biggest share of 31% followed by
machinery and equipment with 27%.
It is foreseen that in 2013 stagnation in the global markets
will influence Turkey’s real sector in parallel to recession
in the EuroZone. Growth is forecast to continue steadily,
albeit at a slower pace. Considering all of these risk factors,
2013 will thus also be a critical year for the financial leasing
sector. However, the new Financial Leasing Law, effective
as of the end of 2012, is anticipated to reduce the adversities
of the economic crisis. Total sector volume, which reached
historically its highest level of US$ 8 billion in 2007, is
expected to accelerate once again.
A&T Leasing, which regards qualified vendors and suppliers as solution
partners, plans to provide financing for more investors’ medium and long
term projects in the forthcoming period.
A&T Leasing aims to follow a controlled growth policy by
maintaining its strong liquid structure. In line with its 2013
targets, the Company will focus on increasing quality and
profitability by sustaining its risk-sensitive approach with a
selective portfolio. The principles of “quality” and “selectivity”,
which were adopted in generating the portfolio, will remain
Company priorities. Trading volume will be increased by
re-contacting high-efficiency customers previously active
in the portfolio. Meanwhile, attractive funding possibilities,
as well as service quality, and rapid solutions for customer
needs will continue to help to build lasting client relations.
A&T Leasing, which regards qualified vendors and suppliers
as solution partners, plans to provide financing for more
investors’ medium and long term projects in the forthcoming
period. The Company aims to create financial resources for
its customers via international as well as local banks.
A&T Leasing will continue to strongly partner its customers
with its dynamic structure and its qualified and solution-
based service approach. The Company also aims to acquire
new customers in 2013 by focusing on customer satisfaction,
offering fast and qualified services that bring added value,
and taking advantage of the synergy with A&T Bank.
Offering customized and flexible solutions in the financing
of SMEs will rank among the subsidiary’s top priorities. A&T
Leasing also targets to rapidly determine the investment
requirements of SMEs by keeping its finger on the market
pulse through qualified vendor channels. The Company
plans to guide its clients on a sectoral basis on the strength
of its know-how and experience, in addition to its support
for project financing. Meanwhile, the Company will sustain
its high quality asset structure and high profitability with its
selective approach to portfolio building.
Increase of
Increase of
Increase of
Financial Leasing Receivables (Thousand TL)
Shareholders’ Equity (Thousand TL)
Net Profit (Thousand TL)
1...,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41 43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,...240