Within the context of the workload analysis performed with an external
consulting firm in 2012, existing personnel were evaluated and norm
determination planning was conducted.
In 2013, the Project Management Office will continue its
work on the project to restructure the Human Resources
Management Department, commenced in 2012.
Projects completed in 2012 include:
Personal Performance Management System
In 2012, restructuring of the Bank’s Personal Performance
Management System was carried out with an external
consulting firm. The Performance Management System,
structured with Personal Scorecard methodology, will be
composed of two modules; namely, managing with targets
and managing with competencies. In 2013, the Performance
Management System established by the consulting firm will
be developed and integrated with the corporate culture of the
Bank. Accordingly, employee performance will be evaluated
according to the new system. They will assess when all
key performance indicators become measurable in the
forthcoming period.
Workload Analysis and Norm
Determination Project
Within the context of workload analysis made with an external
consulting firm in 2012, existing personnel were evaluated and
norm determination planning was conducted. However, this
study was revised by the Business Support Division in 2012;
thus, it will be completed in 2013. This study will enable the
Bank to determine the appropriate number of employees to be
hired for each division/department/unit.
Human Resources Software Project
The Human Resources Software purchased in 2011 was
integrated into the Bank’s system in 2012. A&T Bank’s
organizational structure was defined in the software and
required infrastructure work was completed. The project
itself will be completed in three phases. When finalized,
all information, processes and reports related to human
resources will be transmitted via the software. Additionally,
employees will be able to review their individual information
Centralization of Branch Operations Project
At the initial stage of this project, which commenced at the
beginning of 2012, foreign trade operations were centralized
at five branches. In 2013, the scope of this study will be
broadened in line with ongoing process improvement efforts.
Projects Planned for 2013:
Talent Management Projects
Establishing an In-house Coaching System
The Bank plans to establish an in-house coaching system for
newly hired employees. This project aims for beginners to
adapt smoothly to the Bank’s culture, processes and working
style under the supervision of an experienced coach.
Organizational Backup System
Within the framework of the Organizational Backup System,
career planning will be developed in order to retain key
employees who carry out critical jobs within the Bank.
E-Learning System
With this project, the Bank’s training activities will be more
effective and efficient, with increased training allocated per
employee. Employees will be conveniently informed of all
processes and systems, and offered ongoing personal and
professional development opportunities.
Employer Branding
This project is targeted to strengthen the brand recognition
of A&T Bank as an employer, and to increase the desire of
existing/potential employees to work with the Bank. Thus,
existing staff will be retained within the Bank, and potential
employees attracted.
Management Trainee Program
Within the framework of this program, talented and qualified
candidates will be hired through comprehensive recruitment
methods and their knowledge and skills supported with
training programs.
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