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The decoupling between countries

in terms of economic activity

continued in 2015, with the US

economy expanding more robustly

compared to other developed

countries. Meanwhile, growth

remained weak in the Eurozone.

Economic activity in Turkey lost

some momentum in first quarter

2015 due to weakening foreign

demand, but began a mild recovery

in the second quarter thanks to a

partial rebound in the Eurozone.

Total investment by Turkey’s

leasing industry increased 1.5% in

2015 over the previous year,

from TL 17.1 billion to

TL 17.3 billion. A&T Leasing’s

investment amounted to

TL 102.4 million in 2015. A

breakdown of the industry’s

financial leasing transactions by

asset class shows that real estate

investments accounted for the

largest share with 28.4%, followed

by construction machinery

(21.4%) and other machinery and

equipment (16.7%). The total

number of transactions of industry

as a whole increased 13.9% to

23,125 in 2015, up from 20,302 in


The Company strives to maintain a

diversified client portfolio without

concentrating in any one industry

or customer group. A&T Leasing

supported steady investments while

creating a balanced portfolio by

asset class in order to minimize

risk. The Company plans to target

quality and profitability with a

risk-sensitive and selective portfolio

approach in 2016. In addition, A&T

Leasing finances projects of any

scale under its flexible and dynamic

business model. The Company

continues to operate with a

customer-oriented service approach

despite the adverse competitive

conditions industry-wide stemming

from shrinking profit margins.

Quality and selectiveness will

continue to be the company’s

portfolio composition priority this

year, as A&T Leasing adds new

clients to its service portfolio and

further expands its target audience.

The Company will re-establish

contact with clients that it had a

profitable relationship in the past,

which will bolster its business


With regard to qualified vendors

and suppliers as solution partners,

A&T Leasing will continue to

provide financing to investors,

who aim to take a leap forward,

for their medium and long-term

investment projects and to provide

financial resources for customers

via international as well as local

banks. With a flexible structure

and solution-focused high quality

services, A&T Leasing will continue

to be a strong business partner

for customers, in line with its

long-termed, sustainable growth


In 2016, A&T Leasing aims to

increase customer satisfaction;

deliver fast, high-quality value-

added services; and acquire new

customers. Another Company goal

is to identify the investment needs

of small and medium-size businesses

quickly by closely monitoring

the market via specialized sales

channels. The selective customer

portfolio that A&T Leasing will

continue to build will help the

Company maintain a high-quality,

proactive and profitable balance
