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Employee Profile

Post Graduate


Two-year Degree


High School and Lower


Bachelor’s Degree






A&T Bank is aware that the most

valuable asset of any institution is

its employees, and that success is

directly related to investment in

human resources. With this approach,

the Bank’s management aims to

ensure that working conditions as far

as possible meet the requirements of

its employees.

In 2015, the Human Resources

Management Department works

to ensure employee satisfaction,

the most significant factor in the

Bank’s success, by developing the

knowledge, skill and talents of

employees and sustaining their

motivation at the highest level.

Accordingly, the Department supports

the personal and professional

development of its human resources

by providing equal opportunities to

all in terms of their career planning.

The Department is responsible for

creating a qualified human resource

pool composed of employees fit

to represent the Bank and adopt

its vision and mission. Among

the Department’s responsibilities

is the surveying of Performance

Management were repeated, and

efforts to improve the human

resources systems, develop

comprehensive training programs,

and determine HR policies continued

throughout the year.

The Bank operates with dynamic,

experienced, well-educated and

professional employees working with

a strong team spirit. By the end of

2015, the Bank has seven branches

and 291 employees, the average

age of whom is 38. Employees have

13 years of banking experience on

the average and 75% of them have

university degrees.

The performance award is a monetary

bonus granted to employees once

a year, after a series of evaluations

are conducted and individual

performance scores are calculated

under the Performance Management

System. The amount of the bonus is

determined according to the budget

set by the Board of Directors and

transferred to the personal accounts

of eligible employees.

In line with the performance results

for the year 2014, employees received

a performance award totaling 1.74

times their monthly salary in 2015.

The following projects were carried

out in 2015:

Updating the Performance

Management System

The goals- and competencies-

oriented A&T Bank Performance

Management System was modified in

2015 in line with emerging needs.

Under the system, departmental

goals were updated and all managers

received training on goal setting and

performance feedback.

Human Resources Software Project

The Bank revamped the human

resources software based on its needs

and adapted the software’s reporting

requirements to the project in 2015.