Interest Survey
The Bank conducted an Interest
Survey in order to shape the social
activities that take place within
and outside the Bank based on
the opinions/desires and areas of
employee interest. The Human
Resources Management Department
analyzed the results and identified
specific activities in line with
employee expectations.
Training Needs Assessment
The Bank conducted a Training
Needs Assessment to identify the
training and development needs
and expectations of Bank employees
more effectively and to increase the
productivity and effectiveness of the
training programs. Individual training
plans were formulated based on the
Bank’s strategies and goals as well
as the results of the training needs
Executive Leadership Development
The Executive Leadership
Development Program, initiated to
improve the leadership skills of the
Bank’s managers and to enhance
their capabilities in managing their
relationships, jobs and staff, was
completed at the beginning of 2015.
Effective Communication Program
for Senior Management
This program aims to bolster
the media and communication
management skills of the Bank’s
senior management team. The
program kicked off with media
training and continued with one-to-
one communication management
training sessions.
MENA Internship Project
A&T Bank provided internship
opportunities to select employees of
financial institutions in the Middle
East and North Africa in various
departments of the Bank to improve
the collaboration between A&T Bank
and members of its correspondent
banking network. Interns also became
familiar with the Bank and the Turkish
banking system.
Arabic Language Courses
The Bank launched Arabic language
courses to enhance communications
between the Bank’s employees by
presenting staff an opportunity to
improve their language skills.
National Sovereignty and Children’s
Day Event
In honor of National Sovereignty and
Children’s Day, the Bank organized
festivities for employees’ children
between the ages of 5 and 12 in
order for them to become better
acquainted with the Bank and to
enjoy a meaningful day. Gifts were
distributed to 38 children who
attended the event and children
of employees in out of İstanbul
The projects planned for 2016
Development of the Performance
Management System
In order to further improve the
Performance Management System,
several workshops are planned with
various departments of the Bank,
to be followed by the setting of
competency and key performance
Human Resources Software
Annual/daily leave request and
information forms will be transferred
to electronic environment and an
English version will be added.
Employee Exchange Program
Inspired by the MENA Internship
Project, the Bank plans to launch
an on-the-job training program to
boost cooperation between the Bank
and members of its correspondent
banking network in the Africa and
the Middle East region, particularly in
North Africa, and to help personnel
learn about banking and conducting
business in various cultures.
Training and Development Program
Training and development programs
will be a top priority for the Human
Resources Management Department
in 2016. The changing process,
which began with training programs
tailored to the needs of different
employee groups, will continue with
new initiatives, such as chat meetings
and foreign language instruction
In addition, technical and
competency-based training and
development programs will be
designed in line with the needs and
expectations of respective business
Comprehensive train-the-trainer
programs will be held for the Bank’s
managers and internal trainer
Occupational Health and Safety
Activities in 2015
A&T Bank performed all necessary
tasks to create a safe and healthy
workplace for employees, the Bank’s
most valuable asset, pursuant to
occupational health and safety laws
and regulations. As part of this effort,
the Bank carried out the following
- Every new employee attended
compulsory Occupational Health
and Safety training.
- First Aid and Fire training was
conducted for employees.
- Bank-wide environmental
measurements were conducted
regarding sound, light and
indoor air quality pursuant to the
“Regulation on Health and Safety
Measures to be Implemented”.
- Eye screening was performed for
all Bank staff pursuant to the By-
law on Safety and Health Measures
for Work with Display Screen
- An unannounced Emergency
Evacuation Drill was conducted
at the Head Office and Central
Efforts are under way to eliminate
the deficiencies that were identified
during the inspections and to
continuously improve the working
conditions at the Bank.