Member of the Board and
General Manager
A graduate of University of Benghazi,
Department of Statistics in 1979,
Mr. Khamag completed his master’s
degree in Banking and Finance
in 2006. He worked as Chief of
Computer Unit at National Company
for Pipes Manufacturing between 1979
and 1988. Between 1989 and 1995,
Mr. Khamag worked at Libyan Foreign
Bank. He worked at Chinaguitty Bank
between 1995 and 2000 as Manager
in Internal Audit, Banking Operations
and Personnel and Administrative
Departments. Mr. Khamag worked in
various departments (Manager of Risk
Department, Manager of Participations
Department) of Libyan Foreign Bank
between 2000 and 2009. He served
as CEO of the Libyan Local Investment
and Development Fund between 2009
and 2013. Mr. Khamag was employed
as Manager of the Participations
Department at Libyan Foreign Bank
between May 2013 and September
2015. After serving as Member of the
Board of Directors at A&T Bank from
February 26, 2014 until January 29,
2015, Mr. Khamag was appointed as
A&T Bank’s General Manager on July
9, 2015 and assumed this position on
September 1, 2015. Mr. Khamag is the
Chairman of the Board of Directors of
A&T Leasing and has been serving as
the Deputy Chairman of the Board of
Directors of BIA Bank – Paris since May
2013. He has 36 years of professional
Member of the Board
A graduate of University of Libya,
Faculty of Management, Mr. Ben Issa
A. Hudanah completed his doctorate
in 1975 and became a Professor in
1986. Subsequently, he took part
in the restructuring of National
Commercial Bank, Umma Bank and
Wahda Bank. Serving as Member
of the Board of Directors at Libyan
Foreign Bank from 2005 to 2009,
Mr. Hudanah has been lecturing at
Benghazi University, Department
of Marketing Management since
1986. He has authored numerous
publications in Arabic and English
in different areas of marketing. Mr.
Hudanah has served as Chairman
of the Board of Directors at Libyan
Foreign Bank and Deputy Chairman
of the Board of Directors at A&T Bank
between 2012 and 2015. He was
appointed as Member of the Board of
Directors at A&T Bank on March 26,
2015. Mr. Hudanah has 39 years of
professional experience.
Member of the Board,
Chairman of the Audit Committee
A graduate of Tripoli University
(Libya), Department of Statistics in
1984, Abdurauf Ibrahim Shneba has
been working at Libyan Foreign Bank
since 1987. He served in the Letters
of Credit Department as Division
Manager between 1987 and 1990
and as Assistant Manager in the
Treasury Department from 1991 until
1992. Mr. Shneba was employed in
the Letters of Credit Department and
the Banking Operations Department
at UBAE between 1992 and 2002.
He served as Banking Operations
Department Manager between 2006
and 2009, Manager of the Marketing
& Foreign Relations Department
from 2009 to 2011, and Portfolio
Department Manager from 2011
until 2012. Having served as Board
Member at Banco Arabe Espanol SA
and Alubaf International Tunis Bank,
he has been a Board Member at the
Libya – Italy Chamber of Commerce
since 2002. After working as
Marketing Manager at Libyan Foreign
Bank between January 2013 and
February 2015, Mr. Shneba has been
the Head of Marketing and Foreign
Relations Department since February
2015. He was appointed as Member
of the Board of Directors on
March 15, 2012 and Chairman of the
Audit Committee on March 29, 2013
at A&T Bank. He is also a Member
of the Board of Directors at A&T
Leasing. Mr. Shneba has 29 years of
professional experience.