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Convenience Translation of Publicly Announced Unconsolidated Financial

Statements Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note I of Section Three

Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş.

Notes to Unconsolidated Financial

Statements at 31 December 2014

( Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated. )

General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information

2. Information on the control limits of the Bank for forward transactions, options and similar contracts, management of

credit risk for these instruments together with the potential risks arising from market conditions

The Bank evaluates and manages credit risks that are generated from forward transactions and similar contracts together with

potential risks in the market.

3. Information on whether the Bank decreases the risk by liquidating its forward transactions, options and similar contracts

in case of facing a significant credit risk or not

The Bank tries to mitigate the total risk if it’s exposed to huge amount of risk over the forward transactions.

4. For Credit Risk Analysis;

Information on whether the indemnified non-cash loans are evaluated as having the same risk weight with non-performing

loans or not

Indemnified non-cash loans are evaluated as having the same risk weight with cash loans which are collected upon maturity. These

loans are classified according to their commitments and are recorded under the follow-up accounts.

Information on whether the loans that are structured and rescheduled are included in a new rating group as determined by

the Bank’s risk management system, other than the follow-up plan defined in the banking regulations or not; whether new

precautions are taken for these methods or not; whether the Bank’s risk management accepts long term commitments as

having more risk than short term commitments which results in a diversification of risk or not

The Bank acts in frame of the related regulations for the loans that are structured and rescheduled. On the other hand, while doing risk

evaluation of the loans and commitments, maturity issue is also taken into consideration.

5. For Credit Risk Analysis;

Evaluation of the significance of country specific risk if the banks have foreign operations and credit transactions in a few

countries or these operations are coordinated with a few financial entities

The Bank has no banking activities abroad on the branch level. However in the loan lending processes to the foreign based firms, the

economic conditions of the country and the financial structure of the company in question is taken into consideration.

Evaluation of the Bank’s competitive credit risk being an active participant of the international banking transactions market

The Bank has significant relationship with the North Africa and Middle East Region within the international trade transactions. However

in the volume of the banking transactions the Bank defines its credit risk concentration as limited from these regions.