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Total assets of the Turkish banking

sector grew 18.2%, from

TL 1,994.3 billion in 2014 to

TL 2,357.5 billion in 2015. Loans,

the sector’s largest line item on the

assets side, expanded by 19.7% in

2015 to TL 1,484.9 billion, after

posting 18.5% growth in 2014. Of

this total, TL 1,013.4 billion consists

of Turkish Lira loans while the

remaining TL 471.5 billion is foreign

currency-denominated loans.

Gross non-performing loans

increased TL 11.1 billion in 2015 to

TL 47.5 billion. As a result, the

sector’s non-performing loan ratio

(NPL ratio) came in at 3.09%, up

from 2.85% in 2014.

Deposits, one of the major

funding sources of the banking

industry, were up 18.3%, from

TL 1,052.7 billion in 2014 to

TL 1,245.4 billion in 2015. The share

of foreign currency deposits in total

deposits amounted to 42.6%. The

sector’s shareholders’ equity rose

13% to TL 262.2 billion.

Capital adequacy standard ratio

increased to 15.6% due to a

weakening exchange rate, lower

mark-to-market losses in the

securities portfolio and higher profits.

The core capital adequacy ratio

remains relatively strong at 13.3%.

The banking industry’s net term

profit rose 5.9% compared to the

previous year, climbing to

TL 26.1 billion. Return on equity

and return on assets ratios stood at

11.28% and 1.16%, respectively.

The banking industry’s net term profit

rose 5.9% compared to the previous year,

climbing to TL 26.1 billion.