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Convenience Translation of Publicly Announced Consolidated Fınancial

Statements Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note I of Section Three

Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş.

Notes to Consolidated Financial

Statements at 31 December 2014

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.)

General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information

Information on Consolidated Shareholder’s Equity





Paid-in capital(*)


Share premium


Share cancellation profit


Legal reserves


Income passed on to shareholders’ equity in accordance with Turkey Accounting Standards (TAS).




Net Income for current period


Prior period profit


Provisions for possible risks


Bonus shares of Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint-Ventures


Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Before Deductions


Deductions From Common Equity Tier 1Capital


Loss excess of reserves and loss passed on to shareholders’ equity in accordance with Turkey Accounting Standards (TAS) (-)


Leasehold Improvements (-)


Goodwill and other intangible assets and related deferred tax liabilities. (-)


Net deferred tax income/expense (-)


Shares noncompliant with article 56/4 of the Law (-)


Direct or indirect investments on Bank’s own Common Tier 1 Capital (-)


Total net long position exceeding 10% of Bank’s Common Tier 1 capital, belonging to investments on own funds of banks and financial institutions

that are not consolidated, with a shareholding of 10% and below


Total net long position exceeding 10% of Bank’s Common Tier 1 capital, belonging to investments on own funds of banks and financial institutions

that are not consolidated, with a shareholding of 10% and above


Rights of providing mortgage service exceeding 10% of Common Tier 1 capital (-)


Deffered tax assets based on temporary differences exceeding 10% of Common Tier 1 capital (-)


Balances in accordance with the temporary article 2/2 of Regulation on Shareholders’ Equity of Banks exceeding 15% of Common Tier 1 capital (-)


Excess amount arising from total net long position belonging to investments on Common Tier 1 Capital of banks and financial institutions that are not

consolidated, with a shareholding above 10%


Excess amount arising from rights of providing mortgage service (-)


Exceess amount arising from deffered tax assets based on temporary differences (-)


Other items determined by board (-)


Deduction amount from Common Tier 1 Capital in case of shortage of additional Tier 1 capital or supplementary capital (-)


Total Deductions From Common Equity Tier 1Capital


Total Common Equity Tier 1Capital




Premiums of privilege share capital not included in Common Equity Tier 1 capital


Debt instruments which is seen appropriate by corporation and premiums in accordance with these instruments (Issued after 1.1.2014)


Debt instruments which is seen appropriate by corporation and premiums in accordance with these instruments (Issued before 1.1.2014)


Supplementary capital shares of third parties


Additional Tier 1Capital Before Deductions


Deductions From Additional Tier 1 Capital


Direct or indirect investments which bank provides for its’ own additional Tier 1 capital (-)


10% exceed part of Common Tier 1capital of bank from the sum of partnership share on banks and financial institutions that are not consolidated,

with a shareholding less than 10% (-)


10% exceed part of Common Tier 1 capital of bank from the sum of partnership share on banks and financial institutions that are not consolidated,

with a shareholding of 10% and above (-)


Other items determined by board (-)


Deduction amount of additional core capital in case of there is not enough additional core capital or supplementary capital (-)


Total Deductions From Additional Tier 1 Capital


Total Additional Tier 1 Capital


Deductions From Tier 1 Capital


Non deducted Common Tier 1capital part in accordance with deferred tax expense and goodwill impairment and other intangible fixed assets which

is in temporary article 2/1 of Regulation of Sharegolders’ Equity of Banks. (-)


Non deducted Common Tier 1capital part in accordance with net deferred tax income/expense which is in temporary article 2/1 of Regulation of

Sharegolders’ Equity of Banks. (-)


Total Tier 1 Capital
