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General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information

• Increasing the Bank’s market share in corporate and

commercial banking segment and expanding the customer

base will be the primary sales and marketing objectives in the

coming year. To that end, A&T Bank will focus on deepening

relationships with existing corporate clients through

product-based marketing and also on capturing a bigger

share of cash flows.

• The primary strategy of the Bank in foreign trade transactions

will be to preserve its regional strength by means of its

experience and widening correspondent bank network in the

North Africa and Middle East.

• The Bank aims to increase cross-selling opportunities by

launching projects to receive tax office, Social Security

Institution and invoice payments and offering these services

via Internet Banking.

• A&T Bank plans to launch a Customer Relationship

Management Program for more effective management of

customer relationships. Through this initiative, the Bank will

continue to offer solutions and services to corporate clients in

line with their needs. The Bank aims to expand the customer

base by 20%with these efforts.

• The Bank plans to transfer all workflows to electronic

environment to increase productivity in its business

processes and reduce transaction times.

• In order to strengthen brand recognition, the Bank plans to

participate in various domestic and international events such

as trade shows, conferences and seminars.

• The investments in technological infrastructure and the

projects boosting operational efficiency will be continued.

• Sound and sustainable growth is also targeted by prioritizing

financial strength and effective risk management.

A&T Bank 2015 Targets

In 2015, A&T Bank plans to transfer all business

workflows to electronic environment.


Targeted Increase

in Customer Base

In 2015, A&T Bank aims

to expand its customer

base by 20%.