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Convenience Translation of Publicly Announced Consolidated Fınancial

Statements Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note I of Section Three

Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş.

Notes to Consolidated Financial

Statements at 31 December 2014

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.)

General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information

8. Information on profit/loss before taxes including profit/loss from discontinued operations

The pre-tax income amount from continued operations is TL 92,209 (31 December 2013: TL 61,607).

9. Information on tax provision related to continued operations and discontinued operations

Current period taxation benefit or charge and deferred tax benefit or charge

As of 31 December 2014, taxation charge is TL 18,407 (31 December 2013:TL 12,151) and deferred tax expense is TL 1,675

(31 December 2013: TL 922 as deferred tax expense).

Deferred tax charge arising from origination or reversal of temporary differences

The Group has TL 682 as deferred tax expense reflected in the income statement computed over temporary difference and tax

deductions and exemptions (31 December 2013: TL 80 deferred tax income).

Deferred tax charge/income represented in the income statement within the context of temporary difference, financial loss

and tax reduction.

The Group has TL 1,675 as deferred tax expense arising from origination of temporary differences (31 December 2013: TL 922

deferred tax expense).

10. Information on net profit or loss of the period including profit/loss from continued and discontinued operations:

Current period profit from continued operations is TL 72,127 (31 December 2013: TL 48,534 profit).

11. Information on net profit or loss of the period

Information on nature, dimension and frequency rate of income and expense accounts resulting from ordinary banking

transactions if they are necessary for explaining the Bank’s current year performance


Information on the profit or loss affect of a change in an estimation related to financial statements and future period affect

of the change in this estimation

There is no change in accounting estimation related to consolidated financial statements.

Profit/loss regarding minority rights

There is no profit/loss regarding minority rights in the accompanying consolidated financial statements since the Parent Bank owns

99.98% of the consolidated subsidiary.

12. Information on 20% of other accounts in income statement, if other accounts exceed 10% of total income statement

Other accounts which exceed the 10% of the income statement, other than other operating income and other operating expense,

amounting to TL 28,891 (31 December 2013: TL 21,372) consist of transfer commissions, letter of credit commissions and other.

Current Period

Letter of Credit Commissions


Transfer Commissions




