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Convenience Translation of Publicly Announced Consolidated Fınancial

Statements Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note I of Section Three

Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş.

Notes to Consolidated Financial

Statements at 31 December 2014

(Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.)

General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information


The costs of the tangible assets purchased before 31 December 2004 are restated from the purchasing dates to 31 December 2004,

the date the hyperinflationary period is considered to be ended. In subsequent periods no inflation adjustment is made for tangible

assets, and costs which are restated as of 31 December 2004 are considered as their historical costs. Tangible assets purchased after

1 January 2005 are recorded at their historical costs after foreign exchange differences and financial expenses are deducted if any.

Gains and losses arising from the disposal of the tangible assets are calculated as the difference between the net book value and the

net sales price and recognized in the income statement of the period.

Maintenance and repair costs incurred for tangible assets are recorded as expense. Expenditures incurred that extend the useful life

and service capacity of the assets are capitalized.

The depreciation rates used approximate the rates of the useful life of the tangible assets are as follows:

Tangible assets

Estimated useful life (Years) Depreciation Rate (%)




Motor vehicles



Office equipment, furniture and fixture



There are no changes in the accounting estimates that are expected to have an impact in the current or subsequent periods.

At each reporting date, the Group evaluates whether there is objective evidence of impairment on its assets. If there is an objective

evidence of impairment, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated in accordance with the TAS 36 – Impairment of Assets and if the

recoverable amount is less than the carrying value of the related asset, a provision for impairment loss is made.