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Convenience Translation of Publicly Announced Unconsolidated Financial

Statements Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note I of Section Three

Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş.

Notes to Unconsolidated Financial

Statements at 31 December 2014

( Amounts expressed in thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated. )

General Information

Corporate Management

Financial Information

7. Information on provisions

Information on general provisions

Current Period

Prior Period

Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group I



Additional provisions for the loans with extended payment plan



Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group II



Additional provisions for the loans with extended payment plan



Provisions for Non-Cash Loans









Provisions for currency exchange gain/loss on foreign currency indexed loans

Current Period

Prior Period

Foreign Exchange Provisions for Foreign Currency Indexed Loans





Foreign exchange differences of foreign currency indexed loans are netted off with loans.

Special provisions set aside for non-funded and non-cash loans

As of 31 December 2014, special provisions set aside for non-funded and non-cash loans are TL 1,547 (31 December 2013: TL 589)

Reserve for employee termination benefits

The Bank reserved for employee severance indemnities in the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements using actuarial

method in compliance with the updated TAS 19-Employee Benefits. Accumulated all actuarial gains and losses in equity are

recognized in other capital reserves.