Page 47 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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In November 1,2013, daily reporting
to the Credit Registration Bureau
began for the post-dated checks
that customers give to branches for
collection/collateral as well as the
checkbooks that branches give to
Treasury Operations Unit
Treasury Operations Unit has
successfully performed its duties in
2013 and contributed to the Bank with
its repo, reverse repo, securities and
swap transactions, as well as money
market operations. Additionally, the Unit
ensured that daily and monthly reports
of these transactions are sent to the
external institutions as well as related
departments and units within the Bank.
Compliance Department
The Compliance Department
was established to manage the
Compliance Program for Anti-Money
Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
Financing, the relevant reputational,
legal and operational risks thereof
and compliance at the information
technology. The Department reports to
the Audit Committee. The Compliance
Department is comprised of three units:
Anti-Money Laundering Unit
The Unit determines the Bank’s
guidelines for compliance with
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-
Terrorism Financing. The Unit
identifies the principles and basics
of corporate measures for detecting
and preventing money laundering and
terrorism financing, and ensures the
implementation of these measures.
In also developing and updating
relevant policies and procedures, the
Unit is responsible for the training,
coordinating and reporting functions in
this field.
The Unit follows sanctions and checks
data against the sanction lists of
local and international authorities,
thus ensures that the Bank has not
established any business relations with
those individuals and institutions that
are sanctioned and/or have appeared
on these lists.
IT Compliance Unit
The Unit was established to ensure
full compliance of IT operations with
relevant legislation, monitoring IT
policies, procedures, standards and
methodologies. The Unit also prepares
reports for the Bank’s executive
management and related authorities.
In 2013, the Department commenced
the required work to ensure compliance
with Foreign Account Tax Compliance
Act – FATCA; this project is ongoing.
Administrative Services
In 2013, the renovation of Information
Technologies and Operations Division
at the Headquarters of the Bank was
completed by prioritizing infrastructural
and technological enhancement
projects. Hence, employees were
provided a comfortable and secure
working environment.
Legal and Legislation Services
The Legal and Legislation Services
Department contributed to smooth and
flawless operation throughout the year,
informing the branches and Head Office
units concerned of legal amendments
related to banking activities, as well as
protecting the Bank against operational
and legal risks.
Communications Department
In all promotional activities carried out
by the A&T Bank Communications
Department, the rising importance of
North Africa and the Middle East as well
as the Bank’s expertise in the region
was emphasized. The Department
participated in various fairs and events
that contribute to trade activities in
North Africa and the Middle East.
Besides, further strengthening its
corporate image through sponsorships,
the Department improved the Bank’s
communication with its target audience.
In line with its efficient customer
relations practices, A&T Bank’s
Communications Department shared
changes occurring within the Bank with
stakeholders through the corporate
web site and press releases. Through
traditionalized client meetings and
dinners organized in five cities, the Bank
succeeded to establish stronger bonds
with its customers and to improve