Page 46 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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Financial Management and
Planning Division
The Division was restructured in 2013
to incorporate the functions of Financial
Management, Reporting, Planning and
Corporate Performance. The Division
focused on improving operational
efficiency and carried out automation-
related infrastructure work in 2013. In
the last quarter of the year, the Division
also coordinated the preparatory work
of a three-year Strategic Plan.
In the upcoming period, the Financial
Management and Planning Division
will primarily focus on improved
effectiveness, efficiency and automation
in its functions, especially in reporting
and budgeting.
Central Operations Department
Branch Support Operations Unit
As of January 1, 2013, account
investigations as well as government
institutions’ lien, blocking and injunction
demands, which resulted in a heavy
workload for the branches, were
collected under the roof of Central
The Social Security Institution e-lien
(SSI-E Lien) project was completed;
system infrastructure was established
and tests were initiated.
New systems and screens were
developed to prepare reports on
daily, weekly and monthly banking
transactions that are regularly sent to
Revenue Administration.
Check and Clearing Operations Unit
In January, Check and Clearing
Operations Unit was established within
the Central Operations Department.
The work was conducted in cooperation
with the Organization and Process
Management Department and
Information Technologies to initiate
Foreign Currency Check Clearing
transactions. In October 2013, Foreign
Currency Bulk Check Collection
Contract was sent to the banks, which
participate in Foreign Currency Check
Clearing system, and the contract
was signed with 16 of those banks.
As a result, in November 2013, A&T
Bank began Foreign Currency Check
Clearing transactions with the banks it
signed contracts.
Internal Support Divisions and Departments
Throughout the year, internal support divisions and
departments carried out infrastructure works to
increase operational efficiency and ensure automation.