Page 45 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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The Projects Planned to be put in Practice in 2014:
Performance Management System Enhancement Project:
In line with this improvement, competencies and key
performance indicators in the Performance Management
System, which was put into practice in 2013, will be revised and
Human Resources Software Project:
In 2013, the application of organizational structure and Human
Resources Self Service application were put into use. In 2014,
the activation of HR infrastructure systems including leave
management, training, recruitment and payroll are planned.
Organizational Backup System:
The launch of a career planning system is planned to keep the
key employees working in critical positions within the Bank, thus
ensuring business continuity.
Assesment Center
With this project, the people to be recruited or to be promoted
to management positions will be assessed within the scope of
specific methodologies; their managerial competencies will be
assessed and their development fields will be determined.
Training Programs
Employee training and development activities will be among the
most important priorities of Human Resources Management
in 2014. In conformity with this approach, informative meetings
will be held with full participation of employees. In these
meetings, targets and strategies of the Bank will be focused; the
Bank’s common values and competences will be shared with
the employees.
Additionally, considering the departments’ varying needs and
expectations, specific technical/competency training programs
will be designed.
An e-learning system that will provide the possibility of distance
learning and allow the employees to choose the topics they
need to discuss as well as to form the program according to the
speed of their personal learning rate will be launched.
Moreover, a Leadership Development Program will be started
in order to improve managerial skills of executives. Thus, the
existing executives working in A&T Bank will be provided with a
training program on managing themselves and their relations as
well as their jobs and teams.