Page 48 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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Subsidiary: A&T Leasing
In 2013, the total transaction volume of A&T Leasing
displayed a growth greater than the sector average.
Even though the measures that have
been taken by developed countries
since the second half of 2012 were
effective in terms of taking the short
term risks under control, they were
not strong enough to iron out the
structural problems and thus restrained
the sustainable growth. In developed
countries, financial and political risks are
still seen as the biggest obstacle in front
of their growth performance. Meanwhile,
in Turkey, downward trend of interest
rates continued during the first quarter
of 2013, mainly due to a favorable
environment in terms of international
financing conditions and monetary
policies implemented in the country.
However, starting from the third quarter,
the rates on interest began to rise.
Growth in bank loans directly reflected
in financial leasing transactions as well.
Moreover, new products, which were
launched after the new law became
in effect, caused a big boom in the
market and thus positively affected the
overall transaction volume. During the
first nine-month period of 2013, the
transaction volume of financial leasing
sector rose to US dollar 5.1 billion from
US dollar 4 billion as of the same period
in 2012. This increase indicates a 28%
growth. According to the distribution of
financial leasing transactions by asset
type, construction machinery had the
biggest share of 29% followed by other
machinery and equipment with 22%and
real estate by 17%. The total number
of transactions rose from 13,459 in
the first nine-month period of 2012 to
15,378 in the same period of 2013 with
an increase of 14% in total number of
A&T Leasing increased its number of
contracts from 166 to 189, at the same
rate with the sector during the same
period. However, increase in transaction
volume of A&T Leasing became more
than the sector average. During the
first nine-month period, the transaction
volume of A&T Leasing rose to US dollar
32 million fromUS dollar 21.4 million
as of the same period in 2012 with
an increase of 49%growth. Another
remarkable development in 2013 is that
the paid-in capital rose fromTL 34.5
million to TL 60.7 million.
2014 Targets
A&T Leasing aims to follow a controlled
growth policy by maintaining its strong
liquid structure and in line with its 2014
targets; A&T Leasing will focus on
increasing quality and profitability by
sustaining its risk-sensitive approach with
a selective portfolio. By the principles of
fast and qualified which were adopted in
generating the portfolio, A&T Bank will
continue with new customer acquisitions
through with its continuous synegy.
Trading volume will be increased by
developing flexible solutions, qualified
sales channels via the pulse of the
market, keeping of small and medium-
sized companies and in the financing
of SME needs. Meanwhile, attractive
funding possibilities, as well as service
quality, and rapid solutions for customer
needs will continue to help to build
lasting client relations.
The company believes that a customer
portfolio constituted through a selective
approach will also ensure a qualified
asset structure and a profitable balance