A&T BANK IN 2012
• High profitability was maintained in 2012, whereas net
profit increased by 22% compared to the previous year to
TL 58.7 million.
• Through market and product diversification, A&T Bank
succeeded in avoiding the adverse effects of foreign trade
contraction that resulted from negative developments in
target markets.
• Efforts were focused on new customer acquisition and
A&T Bank brand positioning in the market.
• New projects were launched that included product range
expansion, setting target market penetration strategies,
customer segmentation, determining customer value
propositions, campaign management design and
activation of Internet banking.
• Total branch number rose to seven with a new branch
opening in Güneşli, Istanbul.
• Work on the centralization of certain banking services
continued and major operations were centralized under the
Central Operations Department. Thus, the customer and
sales oriented structure at the branches was strengthened.
• In line with the target of ensuring business continuity, a
Disaster Coordination Center was activated in Güneşli,
Istanbul. In addition, end-to-end testing of the IT Disaster
Recovery Plan was successfully conducted.
• The physical conditions of data centers at the Bank’s
Istanbul and Ankara premises were improved in
accordance with international standards.
• The A&T NET corporate intranet portal was deployed,
enabling central access to all applications of the Bank.
• Work began to establish an innovative performance
management system, which will enable the rewarding of
high-performance employees and successful business
Increase in Net Profit
Net Profit
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