Page 36 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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Sales and Marketing
2013 has been a successful year in terms
of A&T Bank’s target to become a more
customer oriented organization.
In 2013, providing its customers with
corporate and commercial banking
products via its seven branches, A&T
Bank diversified its existing product and
service range with a customer focused
viewpoint and broadened its client base
especially in Turkey by attaching more
importance to sales activities.
The period of change, which began in
2011 in the Middle Eastern and North
African countries, encouraged the Bank
to pay more attention to alternative
market development strategies in
2013. Meanwhile, the efforts towards
new customer acquisition were
increased and strengthening the market
perception of the A&T brand was given
more importance.
A&T Bank, which has supported the
real sector for more than 36 years,
by considering its clients as business
partners, is seen as both a pionner in
foreign trade with the MENA region, and
a competative in domestic activities. Up
until today, A&T Bank has concentrated
on financing the construction sector
especially in Libya. However, in 2013,
the Bank provided significant financial
support for infrastructure projects and
commercial activities of the Turkish
companies, which operate in other
countries of the region, Algeria being in
the first place.
2013, an efficient year
Following the completion of
infrastructural arrangements in relation
to processes and technological
systems, which will accelerate sales
and marketing activities, A&T Bank has
become a more customer oriented
organization. Moreover, the Bank
acquired new customers, diversified
its customer base and enhanced its
customer network. In all these respects,
2013 has been a successful year. First
of all, in this period, the Bank’s number
of customers and cash credit volume
increased by 100% and 97% compared
to the previous year. Again, in this year,
Customer Satisfaction Survey was
done; considering customer demands
and expectations, the Bank diversified
its product range and provided its
clients new cash management and
loan products including Daily Loan,
Commercial Overdraft Account, Lump
Sum Payment, and Foreign Currency
Check Clearing. Products and services
were offered to customers at efficient
and competitive prices. A test process
was started as a last phase for launching
internet banking services.
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