Page 16 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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• Maintaining its high profitability, A&T Bank ranked first
among its peer group banks with a net profit for the period of
TL 49.6 million and return on equity at 12.02%.
• A&T Bank continued to support Turkish economy with its
foreign trade volume reaching US$ 2.4 billion.
• Compared to the previous year, total number of clients and
cash loan volume of the Bank increased by 100% and 97%,
• The Bank diversified its product portfolio and provided its
clients new cash management and loan products including
daily loans, commercial overdraft accounts, lump sum
payments and foreign currency check clearing.
• Measures were taken to ensure that most of the business
processes are done electronically.
• A test process was initiated as a last phase before launching
internet banking services.
• As a result of a penetration test, which was carried out
by independent auditors as required by the BRSA’s
Communiqué on Principles, the Bank achieved a successful
results compared to the sector average.
• A performance management system was put into practice to
reward successful business results and high-performance
A&T Bank in 2013
In 2013, A&T Bank enhanced its business processes by
diversifying its product portfolio as well as strengthening
its technological infrastructure.