Page 34 - A&T_BANK_FRAE_2013

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By continuously monitoring the
markets and economic data and taking
advantage of its dynamic structure, in
2013, A&T Bank Treasury Department
focused on diversifying assets of the
Bank and searching for alternative
distribution channels. The department
also targeted to generate high level of
return through minimization of costs
and diversification of risks. In line with
this strategy and the targets of the
Bank for 2013, Treasury Department
achieved to increase its profitability.
Despite the unfavorable developments
in 2013, Treasury Department of A&T
Bank achieved its targets without
having a liquidity problem thanks to its
experienced and expert management,
its way of doing business with the
highest level of team spirit as well as
its success to benefit from alternative
possibilities with right timing. A&T Bank
Treasury Department continued to use
all derivative instruments such as option,
CLN, Swap and DCD to manage the
risks and to increase the efficiency of
the Bank’s balance sheet.
Treasury Department of A&T Bank achieved all
of its targets thanks to its experienced and expert
Considering the fact that A&T Bank is
a boutique bank offering services in
corporate banking, especially to large-
scale companies and SMEs operating
in the MENA region, in cooperation
with other business units, the Treasury
Department sustains its efforts to
expand its product and service range
in accordance with the customers’
profiles and necessities. Following the
investment decisions taken in the Bank’s
Board of Directors and in ALCO (Asset
and Liability Committee) meetings,
Treasury Department determines
daily, weekly, monthly and long-term
strategies during the meetings held
every morning to review market analysis
and expectations for the period ahead.
Treasury Department will closely and
continuously follow up the global and
domestic developments, including
the recovery process in the global
economy, the probability of occurrence
of economic or politic factors that
will affect the risk appetite as well as
monetary and fiscal policies in Turkey.
The growth and expansion policy of
the Bank will be established in line
with these developments. Additionally,
without sacrificing cost minimization
targets, diversification of investment
instruments will be achieved in terms
of maturities, products and resources.
The department also plans to make
the required strategic updates and
applications in accordance with the
targets set by the Board of Directors.
In 2014, the Deparment will not only
take its position according to the
budget targets; it will also closely
follow domestic and international
developments driven by the fluctuations
in the global markets. The Treasury
Department will contribute to
sustainability of the Bank’s “minimum
risk for maximum return” policy by
regularly submitting its action plans,
which will be prepared in consideration
of alternative investment and
strategy scenarios, to the executive