(Currency: Thousands of Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated)
Convenience Translation of Consolidated Financial
Report Originally Issued in Turkish
See Note on I. in Section Three
I. Explanations for basis of presentation
As per the Article 37 of “Accounting and Recording Rules” of the Turkish Banking Law no. 5411 published on the Official
Gazette no. 25983 dated 1 November 2005 and became effective, the Parent Bank and its financial subsidiary (together with
“the Group”) keeps its accounting records and prepares its consolidated financial statements and the related footnotes in
accordance with accounting and valuation standards described in “Regulation on Accounting Applications for Banks and
Safeguarding of Documents” published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”) and effective since
1 November 2006, Turkish Accounting Standards (“TAS”), Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (“TFRS”) and the related
statements and guidance (collectively “Reporting Standards”) published by Turkish Accounting Standards Board (“TASB”). The
Group maintains its books of account in Turkish Lira (TL).
As of 2 November 2011 as published in the Official Gazette, the addition of Article 1 of Law No. 2499 which is the establishment
article of TASB has been revoked by Decree Law No. 660 and the establishment of the Public Oversight Accounting and
Auditing Standards Board (“the Authority”) has been decided by the Council of Ministers. According to the provisory Article 1
of Decree Law, until the standards and regulations released by the Authority come into force, current existing regulations will
be applied regarding these issues. As of reporting period end, this situation does not cause any change in ‘Primary Basis of
The accompanying consolidated financial statements are prepared in Thousand Turkish Lira in accordance with cost basis
except for the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, derivative financial assets and liabilities held for trading
purpose and assets available for sale, which are presented on a fair value basis.
For a correct perception of the consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and valuation principles are explained
in Notes No. II and XXIII.
Additional paragraph for convenience translation to English
The differences between accounting principles, as described in the preceding paragraphs, and the accounting principles
generally accepted in countries, in which the accompanying consolidated financial statements are to be distributed, and
International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), may have significant influence on the accompanying consolidated financial
statements. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position
and results of operations in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS.
II. Information on strategy for the use of financial instruments and foreign currency transactions
The Parent Bank’s core business operation is banking activities including corporate banking, commercial banking and security
transactions (treasury transactions) together with international banking services. The Parent Bank uses financial instruments
intensively because of the nature of the Parent Bank. The main funding resources are deposits, borrowing and equity and these
resources are invested in qualified financial assets. The Parent Bank follows the utilization of resources and the risk and return
for the investments in various financial assets through an effective asset and liability management strategy.
The transactions in foreign currency are recorded in accordance with TAS 21 –
Effects of Exchange Rate Changes
. Related gain
and loss occurred due to the changes in exchange rates resulted by the foreign currency transactions are translated into TL
over the effective exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction and is recorded accordingly. At the end of the related
periods, foreign currency assets and liability balances outstanding are translated into Turkish Lira over the Group’s exchange
rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and the resulting exchange rate differences are accounted as foreign exchange gains
and losses.
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